Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Example Usage
@formatmin. 1 / max. 1

Reporting Format affecting Elements ProfitLoss, BalanceSheet and Appendix


T = Trade / Industry

B = Banks

I = Insurance

Based on the reporting format, the affected Elements includes different positions

@extentmin. 1 / max. 1

Reporting Extent affecting Elements KeyFigures and AnnualFigures


1 = Element AnnualFigures is available

4 = Element KeyFigures is available

6 = Element AnnualFigures or KeyFigures are NOT available

Extent 1: is used for all companies where full financials are available

Extent 4: is used for all companies where only key figures are available on

an annual basis

Extent 6: is used for all companies where only actual figures are available

or where estimates can be provided

GroupNamemin. 0 / max. 1

Name of group company / level of consolidation

Restriction: only available in Complex "GroupFigures"

PeriodEndYearmin. 0 / max. 1Reporting year of the actual figures 
EmployeesRangeCodemin. 0 / max. 1

Actual number of employees as range (code)

This range is based on EmployeesValue, if it is available

EmployeesRangemin. 0 / max. 1Actual number of employees as range (text) 
EmployeesValuemin. 0 / max. 1Actual number of employees as value 
SalesRangeCodemin. 0 / max. 1

Actual sales as range (code)

This range is based on Sales, if it is available

SalesRangemin. 0 / max. 1Actual sales as range (text) 
Salesmin. 0 / max. 1Actual sales as figure 
SalesCurrencyCodemin. 0 / max. 1Currency for actual sales ( ISO 4217), alpha 3-code 
SalesCurrencymin. 0 / max. 1Currency for actual sales (text) 
Estimatedmin. 0 / max. 1

Estimation flag for Sales

Restriction: 1=true, 0=false

- is the actual sales estimated?