Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | Pos | Example Usage |
GrossSales | min. 0 / max. 01 | Gross Sales | | 242 | Code Block |
<GrossSales>480000000.00</GrossSales> |
ReductionProceeds | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reduction of Proceeds | | 244 | Code Block |
<ReductionProceeds>20300000.00</ReductionProceeds> |
NetSales | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net sales (=242-244) | | 250 | Code Block |
<NetSales>459700000.00</NetSales> |
OthOperRevenue | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other operating Revenue | | 246 | Code Block |
<OthOperRevenue>3200000.00</OthOperRevenue> |
OperatingRevenue | min. 0 / max. 1 | Operating Revenue (=250+246) | | 240 | Code Block |
<OperatingRevenue>462900000.00</OperatingRevenue> |
CostGoodsSold | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cost of goods sold | | 260 | Code Block |
<CostGoodsSold>232600000.00</CostGoodsSold> |
GrossProfit | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross Profit (=240-260) | | 270 | Code Block |
<GrossProfit>000.00</GrossProfit> |
OthOperExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other Operating Expenses | | 280 | |
EBIT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Operating Result / EBIT (=270-280) | | 290 | |
InterestRevenues | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest Revenues | | 296 | |
OthFinanRevenues | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other financials Revenues | | 298 | |
FinanIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financial Income (=296+298) | | 300 | |
InterestExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest Expenses | | 430 | |
OthFinanExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other financials Expenses | | 308 | |
FinanExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financials Expenses (=430+308) | | 310 | |
FinanResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financial Result (=300-310) | | 320 | |
ResultBeforeExtraord | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before extraordinary items (=290+320) | | 330 | |
ExtraordIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Income | | 360 | |
ExtraordExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Expenses | | 370 | |
ExtraordResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Result (=360-370) | | 380 | |
ResultBeforeTaxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before Taxes / EBT (=330+380) | | 355 | |
Taxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Taxes | | 340 | |
ResultBeforeMinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before minority interests (=355-340) | | 390 | |
MinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Minority interests | | 391 | |
NetResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net Result / Result for the financial year (=390-391) | | 392 | |
The available Key Figures per format (Trade/Industry, Bank, Insurance) are noted in the Complexe ProfitLoss, BalanceSheet and Appendix in columne "KeyFig"