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Value | Description |
IAS | International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS |
ARR | Local GAAP |
Value | Description |
GD | Registered address |
AD | Business address |
PA | Postal address |
VD | Administration adress |
LD | Liquidation address |
DI | Management address |
Value | Description |
ST | Date of Statutes |
GS | Date of Incorporation Statutes |
GU | Date of the establishment document |
BE | Start data |
ER | Date of establishment |
UR | Date of recording |
GM | Date of General Meeting |
BS | Date of Balance Sheet |
AR | Date of annual return |
CO | Date commenced dormancy |
CE | Date ceased dormancy |
CB | Date of Cessation of Business |
Value | Description |
NL | Branch office |
GS | Business place |
BS | Operating site |
Value | Description |
15 | The business experienced a significant decrease in activities. |
19 | The business experienced a decrease in activities. |
22 | The business experienced a slight decrease in activities. |
24 | The business has experienced a negative trend. |
25 | The business development is considered in order. |
27 | The business status is considered to have stagnated. |
28 | The business development has met expectations. |
29 | The business trend is considered constant. |
32 | The business trend is considered positive. |
33 | The business trend is considered as lightly improving. |
37 | The business trend is considered to be improving. |
40 | The business trend has seen strong growth. |
Value | Description |
AKN | Share Capital |
PSN | Participation Capital |
SKN | LLC Capital |
ASN | Establishment Capital |
DKN | Endowment Capital |
KAP | Capital |
COM | Commandite |
Value | Description |
ACT | active |
DIS | dissolved |
DOR | dormant/suspended |
INB | in bankruptcy |
INL | in liquidation |
INM | in merger |
XXX | unknown |
Value | Description | Active |
AF | Afghanistan | 1 |
AL | Albania | 1 |
DZ | Algeria | 1 |
VI | American Virgin Islands | 1 |
AS | American-Samoa | 1 |
AD | Andorra | 1 |
AO | Angola | 1 |
AI | Anguilla | 1 |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 1 |
AR | Argentina | 1 |
AM | Armenia | 1 |
AW | Aruba | 1 |
AU | Australia | 1 |
AT | Austria | 1 |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 1 |
BS | Bahamas | 1 |
BH | Bahrain | 1 |
BD | Bangladesh | 1 |
BB | Barbados | 1 |
BY | Belarus | 1 |
BE | Belgium | 1 |
BZ | Belize | 1 |
BJ | Benin | 1 |
BM | Bermuda | 1 |
BT | Bhutan | 1 |
BO | Bolivia | 1 |
BQ | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | 1 |
BA | Bosnia-Herzegovina | 1 |
BW | Botswana | 1 |
BR | Brazil | 1 |
VG | British Virgin Islands | 1 |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | 1 |
BG | Bulgaria | 1 |
BF | Burkina Faso | 1 |
BI | Burundi | 1 |
KH | Cambodia | 1 |
CM | Cameroon | 1 |
CA | Canada | 1 |
CV | Cape Verde | 1 |
KY | Cayman Islands | 1 |
CF | Central African Republic | 1 |
TD | Chad | 1 |
CL | Chile | 1 |
CN | China | 1 |
CX | Christmas Island | 1 |
CO | Colombia | 1 |
KM | Comoros | 1 |
CG | Congo | 1 |
CK | Cook Islands | 1 |
CR | Costa Rica | 1 |
HR | Croatia | 1 |
CU | Cuba | 1 |
CW | Curaçao | 1 |
CY | Cyprus | 1 |
CZ | Czech | 1 |
CD | Democratic Republic of Congo | 1 |
DK | Denmark | 1 |
DJ | Djibouti | 1 |
DM | Dominica | 1 |
DO | Dominican Republic | 1 |
TP | East Timor | 1 |
EC | Ecuador | 1 |
EG | Egypt | 1 |
SV | El Salvador | 1 |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 1 |
ER | Eritrea | 1 |
EE | Estonia | 1 |
ET | Ethiopia | 1 |
FK | Falkland Islands | 1 |
FO | Faroe Islands | 1 |
FJ | Fiji | 1 |
FI | Finland | 1 |
FR | France | 1 |
GF | French Guiana | 1 |
PF | French Polynesia | 1 |
GA | Gabon | 1 |
GM | Gambia | 1 |
GE | Georgia | 1 |
DE | Germany | 1 |
GH | Ghana | 1 |
GI | Gibraltar | 1 |
GR | Greece | 1 |
GL | Greenland | 1 |
GD | Grenada | 1 |
GP | Guadeloupe | 1 |
GU | Guam | 1 |
GT | Guatemala | 1 |
GG | Guernsey | 1 |
GN | Guinea | 1 |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 1 |
GY | Guyana | 1 |
HT | Haiti | 1 |
HN | Honduras | 1 |
HK | Hong Kong | 1 |
HU | Hungary | 1 |
IS | Iceland | 1 |
IN | India | 1 |
ID | Indonesia | 1 |
IR | Iran | 1 |
IQ | Iraq | 1 |
IE | Ireland | 1 |
IM | Isle of Man | 1 |
IL | Israel | 1 |
IT | Italy | 1 |
CI | Ivory Coast | 1 |
JM | Jamaica | 1 |
JP | Japan | 1 |
JE | Jersey | 1 |
JO | Jordan | 1 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 1 |
KE | Kenya | 1 |
KI | Kiribati | 1 |
KW | Kuwait | 1 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | 1 |
LA | Laos | 1 |
LV | Latvia | 1 |
LB | Lebanon | 1 |
LS | Lesotho | 1 |
LR | Liberia | 1 |
LY | Libya | 1 |
LI | Liechtenstein | 1 |
LT | Lithuania | 1 |
LU | Luxembourg | 1 |
MO | Macau | 1 |
MK | Macedonia | 1 |
MG | Madagascar | 1 |
MW | Malawi | 1 |
MY | Malaysia | 1 |
MV | Maldives | 1 |
ML | Mali | 1 |
MT | Malta | 1 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 1 |
MQ | Martinique | 1 |
MR | Mauritania | 1 |
MU | Mauritius | 1 |
YT | Mayotte | 1 |
MX | Mexico | 1 |
FM | Micronesia | 1 |
MD | Moldova | 1 |
MC | Monaco | 1 |
MN | Mongolia | 1 |
ME | Montenegro | 1 |
MS | Montserrat | 1 |
MA | Morocco | 1 |
MZ | Mozambique | 1 |
MM | Myanmar | 1 |
NA | Namibia | 1 |
NR | Nauru | 1 |
NP | Nepal | 1 |
NL | Netherlands | 1 |
AN | Netherlands Antilles | 0 |
NC | New Caledonia | 1 |
NZ | New Zealand | 1 |
NI | Nicaragua | 1 |
NE | Niger | 1 |
NG | Nigeria | 1 |
NU | Niue | 1 |
NF | Norfolk Island | 1 |
KP | North Korea | 1 |
XN | Northern Ireland | 1 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 1 |
NO | Norway | 1 |
OM | Oman | 1 |
PK | Pakistan | 1 |
PW | Palau | 1 |
PS | Palestine | 1 |
PA | Panama | 1 |
PG | Papua New Guinea | 1 |
PY | Paraguay | 1 |
PE | Peru | 1 |
PH | Philippines | 1 |
PL | Poland | 1 |
PT | Portugal | 1 |
PR | Puerto Rico | 1 |
QA | Qatar | 1 |
RE | Reunion | 1 |
RO | Romania | 1 |
RU | Russia | 1 |
RW | Rwanda | 1 |
BL | Saint Barts (Saint Barthélemy) | 1 |
SH | Saint Helena | 1 |
KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 1 |
LC | Saint Lucia | 1 |
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 1 |
VC | Saint Vincent and Grenadines | 1 |
WS | Samoa | 1 |
SM | San Marino | 1 |
ST | Sao Tome and Principe | 1 |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 1 |
SN | Senegal | 1 |
RS | Serbia | 1 |
SC | Seychelles | 1 |
SL | Sierra Leone | 1 |
SG | Singapore | 1 |
SX | Sint Maarten | 1 |
SK | Slovakia | 1 |
SI | Slovenia | 1 |
SB | Solomon Islands | 1 |
SO | Somalia | 1 |
ZA | South Africa | 1 |
KR | South Korea | 1 |
SS | South Sudan | |
ES | Spain | 1 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 1 |
SD | Sudan | 1 |
SR | Suriname | 1 |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 1 |
SZ | Swaziland | 1 |
SE | Sweden | 1 |
CH | Switzerland | 1 |
SY | Syria | 1 |
TW | Taiwan | 1 |
TJ | Tajikistan | 1 |
TZ | Tanzania | 1 |
TH | Thailand | 1 |
TG | Togo | 1 |
TK | Tokelau | 1 |
TO | Tonga | 1 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | 1 |
TN | Tunisia | 1 |
TR | Turkey | 1 |
TM | Turkmenistan | 1 |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | 1 |
TV | Tuvalu | 1 |
UG | Uganda | 1 |
UA | Ukraine | 1 |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 1 |
GB | United Kingdom | 1 |
US | United States of America | 1 |
UY | Uruguay | 1 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | 1 |
VU | Vanuatu | 1 |
VA | Vatican | 1 |
VE | Venezuela | 1 |
VN | Vietnam | 1 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | 1 |
EH | Western Sahara | 1 |
YE | Yemen | 1 |
YU | Yugoslavia | 0 |
ZM | Zambia | 1 |
ZW | Zimbabwe | 1 |
| | |
AED | United Arab Emirates Dirham | 1 |
AFN | Afghan afghani | 1 |
ALL | Albanian lek | 1 |
AMD | Aremnian Dram | 1 |
ANG | Netherlands Antillean Guilder | 1 |
AOA | Angolan Kwanza | 1 |
ARS | Argentine Peso | 1 |
ATS | Austrian Shilling | 1 |
AUD | Australian Dollar | 1 |
AWG | Aruban florin | 1 |
AZN | Azerbaijani Manat | 1 |
BAM | Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark | 1 |
BBD | Barbados dollar | 1 |
BDT | Bangladesh Taka | 1 |
BEF | Belgian Franc | 1 |
BGN | Bulgarian Lev | 1 |
BHD | Bahraini Dinar | 1 |
BIF | Burundian franc | 1 |
BMD | Bermudian dollar | 1 |
BND | Brunei dollar | 1 |
BOB | Boliviano | 1 |
BOV | Bolivian Mvdol | 1 |
BRL | Brazilian Real | 1 |
BSD | Bahamian dollar | 1 |
BTN | Bhutanese ngultrum | 1 |
BWP | Botswana pula | 1 |
BYR | Belarussian Ruble | 1 |
BZD | Belize dollar | 1 |
CAD | Canadian Dollar | 1 |
CDF | Congolese franc | 1 |
CHF | Swiss Franc | 1 |
CLP | Chilean Peso | 1 |
CNY | Yuan Renminbi | 1 |
COP | Colombian Peso | 1 |
CRC | Costa Rica Colon | 1 |
CUP | Cuban Peso | 1 |
CVE | Cabo Verde escudo | 1 |
CZK | Czech Koruna | 1 |
DEM | German Mark | 1 |
DJF | Djiboutian franc | 1 |
DKK | Danish Koruna | 1 |
DOP | Dominican peso | 1 |
DZD | Algerian Dinar | 1 |
EEK | Estonian kroon | 1 |
EGP | Egyptian pound | 1 |
ERN | Eritrean nakfa | 1 |
ESP | Spanish Peseta | 1 |
ETB | Ethiopia Birr | 1 |
EUR | Euro | 1 |
FIM | Finland Markka | 1 |
FJD | Fiji dollar | 1 |
FKP | Falkland Islands pound | 1 |
FRF | French Franc | 1 |
GBP | Pound Sterling | 1 |
GEL | Georgian Lari | 1 |
GHS | Ghana Cedi | 1 |
GIP | Gibraltar pound | 1 |
GMD | Gambian dalasi | 1 |
GNF | Guinean Franc | 1 |
GRD | Drachma | 1 |
GTQ | Guatemalan quetzal | 1 |
GYD | Guyanese Dollar | 1 |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar | 1 |
HNL | Honduran lempira | 1 |
HRK | Croatian Kuna | 1 |
HTG | Haiti gourde | 1 |
HUF | Hungary Forint | 1 |
IDR | Indonesian Rupiah | 1 |
IEP | Irish Pound | 1 |
ILS | Israel Shekel | 1 |
INR | Indian Rupee | 1 |
IQD | Iraqi Dinar | 1 |
IRR | Iranian Rial | 1 |
ISK | Iceland Krona | 1 |
ITL | Italian Lira | 1 |
JMD | Jamaican dollar | 1 |
JOD | Jordanian Dinar | 1 |
JPY | Japan Yen | 1 |
KES | Kenyan Shilling | 1 |
KGS | Kyrgyzstanian Som | 1 |
KHR | Cambodian riel | 1 |
KMF | Comoros Franc | 1 |
KPW | North Korean won | 1 |
KRW | South Korean Won | 1 |
KWD | Kuwait Dinar | 1 |
KYD | Cayman Islands dollar | 1 |
KZT | Kazakhstan Tenge | 1 |
LAK | Lao kip | 1 |
LBP | Lebanese Pound | 1 |
LKR | Sri Lanka Rupee | 1 |
LRD | Liberian dollar | 1 |
LSL | Lesotho loti | 1 |
LTL | Litas | 1 |
LUF | Luxembourg Franc | 1 |
LVL | Latvian lats | 1 |
LYD | Libyan Dinar | 1 |
MAD | Moroccan dirham | 1 |
MDL | Moldovan leu | 1 |
MGA | Malagasy Ariary | 1 |
MKD | Macedonian denar | 1 |
MMK | Myanmar Kyat | 1 |
MNT | Mongolian Tugrik | 1 |
MOP | Macanese Pataca | 1 |
MRO | Mauritanian Ouguiya | 1 |
MUR | Mauritius Rupee | 1 |
MVR | Maldivian rufiyaa | 1 |
MWK | Malawian kwacha | 1 |
MXN | Mexican Nuevo Peso | 1 |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit | 1 |
MZN | Mozambican metical | 1 |
NAD | Namibian Dollar | 1 |
NGN | Nigerian Naira | 1 |
NIO | Nicaraguan córdoba | 1 |
NLG | Netherlands Guilder | 1 |
NOK | Norwegian Koruna | 1 |
NPR | Nepalese rupee | 1 |
NZD | New Zealand Dollar | 1 |
OMR | Omani rial | 1 |
PAB | Panamanian Balboa | 1 |
PEN | Peruvian nuevo sol | 1 |
PGK | Papua New Guinean kina | 1 |
PHP | Philippine Peso | 1 |
PKR | Pakistan Rupee | 1 |
PLN | Poland Zloty | 1 |
PTE | Portuguese Escudo | 1 |
PYG | Paraguayan guaraní | 1 |
QAR | Qatari riyal | 1 |
RON | Romanian Lei | 1 |
RSD | Serbian dinar | 1 |
RUB | Russian Ruble | 1 |
RWF | Rwandan franc | 1 |
SAR | Saudi Riyal | 1 |
SBD | Solomon Islands dollar | 1 |
SCR | Seychelles rupee | 1 |
SDG | Sudanese Pound | 1 |
SEK | Swedish Koruna | 1 |
SGD | Singapore Dollar | 1 |
SHP | Saint Helena pound | 1 |
SLL | Sierra Leonean leone | 1 |
SOS | Somali shilling | 1 |
SRD | Surinamese dollar | 1 |
SSP | South Sudanese pound | 1 |
STD | São Tomé and Príncipe dobra | 1 |
SVC | Salvadoran colón | 1 |
SYP | Syrian pound | 1 |
SZL | Swazi lilangeni | 1 |
THB | Thailand Baht | 1 |
TJS | Tajikistani somoni | 1 |
TMT | Turkmenistani manat | 1 |
TND | Tunisian Dinar | 1 |
TOP | Tongan pa'anga | 1 |
TRY | Turkish Lira | 1 |
TTD | Trinidad and Tobago Dollar | 1 |
TWD | Taiwan Dollar | 1 |
TZS | Tanzanian Shilling | 1 |
UAH | Ukraine Hryvnia | 1 |
UGX | Uganda Shilling | 1 |
USD | US-Dollar | 1 |
UYU | Uruguayan peso | 1 |
UZS | Uzbekistan Sum | 1 |
VEF | Venezuelan bolívar fuerte | 1 |
VND | Vietnamese Dong | 1 |
VUV | Vanuatu vatu | 1 |
WST | Samoan tala | 1 |
XAF | CFA-Franc BEAC | 1 |
XCD | East Caribbean dollar | 1 |
XDR | Special drawing rights | 1 |
XOF | CFA-Franc BCEAO | 1 |
XPF | CFP-Franc | 1 |
YER | Yemeni rial | 1 |
ZAR | South Africa Rand | 1 |
ZMK | Zambian kwacha | 0 |
ZMW | Zambian kwacha | 1 |
ZWD | Zimbabwean dollar | 0 |
ZWL | Zimbabwean dollar | 1 |
Value | Description |
1 | The company is indicated as dissolved in the company register or has been deleted. Credit is not advised. |
2 | The company is in the process of dissolution. Credit is not advised. |
5 | It appears that the company is not presently active at the domicile. In issuing credit facilities it is advised that normal business security be obtained e.g. bank guarantee. |
7 | In advancing credit it is advised that a bank guarantee be obtained. |
8 | With higher credit amounts it is advised that normal business security be obtained e.g. bank guarantee. |
9 | The company was recently incorporated. In extending credit facilities it is advised that normal business security be obtained e.g. bank guarantee. |
10 | Credit to the recommended limit should be acceptable but should be monitored on a regular basis. |
11 | Due to insufficient payment history and financial information being available we suggest any credit extended to the company be on secured terms with necessary guarantees. |
Value | Description |
AA | 100,000 + |
AB | 80,000-99,999 |
AC | 60,000-79,999 |
AD | 40,000-59,999 |
AE | 20,000-39,999 |
BA | 10,000-19,999 |
BB | 8,000-9,999 |
BC | 6,000-7,999 |
BD | 4,000-5,999 |
BE | 2,000-3,999 |
CA | 1,000-1,999 |
CB | 800-999 |
CC | 600-799 |
CD | 400-599 |
CE | 250-399 |
DA | 150-249 |
DB | 80-149 |
DC | 50-79 |
DD | 35-49 |
DE | 20-34 |
EA | 10-19 |
EB | 1-9 |
EC | 0 |
Value | Description |
AB | about |
IC | initial consolidation |
PF | pro forma |
PM | preliminary |
RE | restated |
Value | Description |
1 | The company has been removed from the company register. As a consequence no opinion on the financial or business situation can be given. |
2 | The company has been dissolved and its activities have ceased. As a consequence no opinion on the financial or business situation can be given. |
5 | It is understood that the company has presently no business activities. There is no information available on the financial status and business activities of the company. |
6 | The company is a "domiciled" company where local presence is handled by a representative. As far as can be ascertained the activities are conducted abroad. No information is available on the financial situation and business development. |
9 | The company was recently formed. There is presently no information available concerning the financial situation and the course of business. |
10 | The financial situation appears to be extremely poor. |
11 | The financial situation can be described as extremely poor. |
12 | The financial situation is extremely poor. |
18 | The financial situation appears to be bad. |
19 | The financial situation is considered poor. |
20 | The financial situation is poor. |
21 | The financial situation appears to be rather poor. |
22 | The financial situation is considered to be tendencially poor. |
23 | The financial situation is rather bad. |
24 | The financial situation appears to be moderate. |
25 | The financial situation is considered moderate. |
26 | The financial situation is moderate. |
28 | The financial situation is difficult to assess. |
29 | The financial situation is considered to be in order. |
30 | The financial situation is in order. |
32 | The financial situation appears to be good. |
33 | The financial situation is considered to be good. |
34 | The financial situation is good. |
37 | The financial situation is considered to be very good. |
38 | The financial situation is very good. |
40 | The financial situation is exceptionally good. |
FunctionCode (Director)
Value | Description |
110 | President |
120 | Chairman |
210 | Vice-President |
220 | Vice-Chairman |
310 | Chief Executive |
320 | Alternate Chief Executive |
330 | Alternate Chairman |
400 | Company Secretary |
500 | Actuary |
510 | Treasurer |
520 | Non-Executive Director |
525 | Independent Non-Executive Director |
530 | Secretary |
540 | Substitute |
720 | Trustee |
730 | Administrator |
900 | Director |
920 | Alternate Director |
950 | Owner |
960 | General Partner |
970 | Limited Partner |
980 | Unlimited Partner |
FunctionCode (OfficialPosition)
Value | Description |
090 | President of the general direction |
095 | President of the direction |
100 | General Director |
101 | General Manager |
102 | Chairman of the management |
103 | Member of the management |
104 | Chairman of the general direction |
105 | Member of the general direction |
106 | Chairman of the direction |
107 | Member of the direction |
109 | Manager |
110 | Deputy General Director |
111 | Deputy General Manager |
112 | Deputy chairman of the management |
113 | Deputy chairman of the general direction |
114 | Deputy chairman of the direction |
120 | Branch Office Manager |
125 | Branch Director |
126 | Debuty Branch Director |
200 | Director |
210 | Deputy Director |
220 | Vice-Director |
390 | General Secretary |
400 | Company Secretary |
410 | Cashier |
420 | Supervisor |
430 | Advisor |
600 | Member with signing authority |
615 | Officer with procuration |
620 | Member with procuration |
650 | Authorized commercial |
700 | Liquidator |
900 | Member |
FunctionCode (ExternalPosition)
Value | Description |
200 | Auditor |
210 | Legal Advisor |
220 | Management Company |
250 | Registered Agent |
300 | Commissioner/auditor |
800 | Registrars |
810 | Share Broker |
820 | Lead Manager |
FunctionCode (Manager)
Value | Description |
100 | Chief Executive Officer |
110 | Deputy Chief Executive Officer |
140 | Chief Financial Officer |
145 | Investor Relations Manager |
160 | Chief Operating Officer |
180 | Chief Marketing Officer |
200 | Chief Sales Officer |
202 | Sales Support Manager |
205 | Key Account Manager |
210 | Product Manager |
220 | Chief Export Officer |
240 | Chief Development Officer |
260 | Chief Production Officer |
280 | Chief Technical Officer |
300 | Chief Human Resources Officer |
320 | Chief Information Officer |
340 | Chief Business Segment Officer |
400 | Chief Accounting Officer |
420 | Chief Controlling Officer |
440 | Chief Administration Officer |
460 | Chief Legal Officer |
470 | Concession Owner |
500 | Chief Purchase Officer |
520 | Chief Import Officer |
600 | Chief Public Realtions Officer |
620 | Chief Customer Service Officer |
640 | Chief Logistics Officer |
660 | Chief Quality Assurance Officer |
710 | Manager for Energy |
711 | Manager for Water |
712 | Manager for Gas |
713 | Manager for Thermal |
714 | Manager for Transmission systems |
720 | Investment Advisor |
722 | Personnel Advisor |
730 | Head Doctor |
732 | Care Services Manager |
900 | Executive Director |
Value | Description |
YOF | Year of foundation |
EST | Year, established as |
FOU | Year, established from |
HOL | Year changed to a Holding company |
LTD | Year changed to a Limited company |
MBO | Year of Management buyout |
CER | Year of Certification |
BEW | Year of the Licensing |
KBE | Year of the Concession |
Value | Description |
EN | english |
DE | german |
FR | french |
IT | italian |
CN | chinese |
Value | Description |
10 | Legal actions |
11 | Open legal actions |
12 | Closed legal actions |
13 | Paid legal actions |
20 | Opposition filed |
30 | Request to continue process |
50 | Request for distraint |
52 | Distraints |
53 | Open distraints |
54 | Closed distraints |
60 | Threat of bankruptcy-liquidation |
61 | Request for bankruptcy-liquidation |
70 | Loss certificate |
71 | Unpaid loss certificates |
72 | Closed loss certificates |
Value | Description |
AGP | Private Company limited by shares |
AGU | Company limited by shares |
ANS | Establishment |
CLG | Company limited by Guarantee |
EFG | Simple partnership |
EFI | Sole proprietorship/trader |
GBH | Limited Liability Company |
GEN | Cooperative society |
HST | deposited Foundation |
INO | International organisation |
KAG | Limited partnership with share capital |
KLG | General partnership |
KMG | Limited partnership |
KOR | Public authority |
NLA | Branch of foreign company |
NLI | Branch of domestic company |
OVW | Public body |
PRI | Private |
STI | Foundation |
TRH | Trust fund |
TRU | Trust company |
VER | Association |
XXX | Unknown |
Value | Description |
100 | Agriculture and forestry |
140 | Quarrying and raw material processing |
150 | Food |
151 | Meat/fish |
155 | Milk products |
159 | Drinks |
160 | Tabacco |
170 | Textiles/flooring |
180 | Clothing/Shoes |
200 | Wood/Timber |
210 | Paper/cardboard |
220 | Printing |
230 | Mineral oil |
240 | Chemicals |
245 | Pharmaceutics |
250 | Plastics |
260 | Glas |
265 | Building materials |
270 | Metal/steel |
290 | Machinery |
297 | Household technology |
300 | Electro technology |
330 | Medical technology |
332 | Measurement and control technology |
335 | Watch technology |
350 | Vehicle manufacturing |
360 | Furniture manufacturing |
370 | Consumer goods manufacturing |
400 | Energy |
450 | Building and general construction |
453 | Building installation |
455 | Building industry |
500 | Vehicle trading and repair |
510 | Trade brokers |
520 | Consumer goods wholesale |
530 | Industrial goods wholesale |
535 | Consumer markets/Department stores |
547 | Retail stores |
549 | Special retail |
550 | Provider of accomodation services |
553 | Provider of meal services |
600 | Transport of passengers |
602 | Transport of goods |
630 | Transport services |
633 | Travel organisation |
640 | Telecommunication |
650 | Banking |
655 | Financial services |
660 | Insurance |
700 | Property management |
710 | Rental |
720 | IT services |
740 | Consulting/Auditing |
742 | Engineering/Architecture |
744 | Advertising/Communication |
745 | Personnel consulting |
747 | Cleaning services |
750 | Commercial services |
755 | Public Administration |
800 | Training |
850 | Health & social services |
860 | Organisations |
920 | Media |
923 | Entertainment/Wellness |
950 | Personal services |
Value | Description |
NA | Name |
NU | Name translated |
GB | Business name |
AB | Abbreviation |
Value | Description |
10 | The company is privately owned. |
12 | The company is in family ownership. |
14 | The company is owned by the founding family. |
20 | The management own the company. |
21 | The company is owned by the employees. |
22 | The company is owned by management and the employees. |
24 | The company is owned by the board of directors. |
26 | The company is owned by the partners. |
30 | The company is owned by various parties. |
32 | The company is regionally owned. |
34 | The company is domestic owned. |
35 | The company is foreign owned. |
40 | The company is owned by public institutions. |
42 | The company is owned by institutional investors. |
Value | Description |
11 | The financial obligations are met extremely slowly. |
14 | The financial obligations are met very slowly. |
15 | The financial obligations are met with delays. |
19 | The financial obligations are met with slowly. |
22 | The financial obligations are met with a tendence slow. |
25 | There are no negative reports on payment experiences. |
27 | There are no unfavourable reports regarding the financial obligations. |
28 | There are no objections regarding the payment of financial obligations. |
29 | Financial obligations are met in an orderly manner. |
30 | Financial obligations are met as appropriate. |
31 | Payments are made with arranged conditions. |
32 | Financial obligations are paid promptly. |
33 | Payment habits are considered good. |
34 | Financial obligations are paid punctually. |
37 | Financial obligations are paid very punctually. |
Value | Description | if interest is not disclosed |
A | 100% | |
B | 50-100% | Majority investments |
C | 50% | Joint-Ventures |
D | 40-49% | |
E | 30-39% | |
F | 20-29% | Minority investments/associated companies |
G | 10-19% | |
H | 0-9% | Financial investments |
X | unknown | |
Value | Description |
X | Business not registered – general information available and unable to verify information. Official verification could not be determined, contact could not be established or not enough information for a credit rating |
0 | The company no longer exists, it is declared inactive, it is revoked or dissolved, or merged into another company |
1,2 | The company is in bankruptcy or in liquidation or. Chapter 7 |
3 | The company is in receivership or Chapter 11 (could proceed to liquidation or recover) |
4,5 | Many incidents of payments, legal actions registered major difficulties with partners, bad financial ratios. |
6 | Weak financial and commercial structure, many irregularities of payments, bad reputation and other cross references, like debt collection. |
7 | Weak financial structure, no credit history, no payment experiences, Company is suspended by the Register for non payment of taxes/fees – but still trading, no negative |
8 | Emerging from bankruptcy or a Chapter 11 |
9 | Weak financial structure, low credit history, some payment irregularities, or young company (less than 18 months) |
10 | Stable commercial structure, no financials, no credit history, no negative. Domicile companies (no local activity) etc. No negative |
11 | Stable financial and commercial structure, low credit history, no negative. |
12 | Good financial ratios (where available) indebtedness controlled, no legal actions or debt collection, the activity of the company is developing in regular ways. |
13-14 | The company has good credit history, no legal actions or debt collection and good financial and commercial structure, indebtedness is controlled, profitable, payments are regular. |
15-16-17 | Very good financial and commercial structure, the company is well regarded by its trade partners, the company is part of a large strong group, the company has good solvency and can face its obligations. |
18-19-20 | Minimum risk; solid financial structure. |
Value | Description |
10 | The company owns no property. |
12 | The comapny owns no land. |
14 | The company does not appear to own any property. |
20 | The company owns buildings. |
22 | The company owns property. |
24 | It is understood that the company owns certain property. |
30 | The company owns extensive property. |
32 | The company has extensive land holdings. |
34 | It is understood that the company has extensive property holdings. |
70 | The property at the operating address is rented. |
Value | Description |
AA | 10 Bil + |
AB | 8-10 Bil |
AC | 6-8 Bil |
AD | 4-6 Bil |
AE | 2-4 Bil |
BA | 1-2 Bil |
BB | 800 Mio - 1 Bil |
BC | 600-800 Mio |
BD | 400-600 Mio |
BE | 200-400 Mio |
CA | 100-200 Mio |
CB | 80-100 Mio |
CC | 60-80 Mio |
CD | 40-60 Mio |
CE | 20-40 Mio |
DA | 10-20 Mio |
DB | 8-10 Mio |
DC | 6-8 Mio |
DD | 4-6 Mio |
DE | 2-4 Mio |
EA | 1-2 Mio |
EB | 0-1 Mio |
EC | 0 |
Value | Description |
ANX | Registered shares |
ANV | Registered shares with restricted transferability |
ANZ | Registered shares (preferred shares) |
ANS | Registered shares (voting shares) |
ANT | Registered shares (ordinary shares) |
AIX | Bearer shares |
AIZ | Bearer shares (preferred shares) |
AIS | Bearer shares (ordinary shares) |
AIQ | Bearer shares (voting shares) |
AOS | Ordinary shares |
ANO | Deferred shares (non voting) |
AUS | Unclassified shares |
AON | No Par Value Shares |
AGR | Founder shares |
PNX | Registered participation certificates |
PIX | Bearer participation certificates |
PNV | Preferred registered participation certificates |
PIV | Preferred bearer participation certificates |
STX | Participation shares |
AXX | Shares |
Value | Description |
U0 | without signature |
U1 | single signature |
U2 | joint signature of two |
U3 | joint signature of three |
U4 | Joint signature of four |
U5 | Joint signature of five |
P1 | single power of attorney |
P2 | joint power of attorney of two |
P3 | joint power of attorney of three |
P4 | joint power of attorney of four |
ZB | power to sign |
Value | Description | available for Complex |
PR01 | History | HistoryText |
A000 | Further Address/-es | RegText |
A003 | Postal address | RegText |
A004 | Liquidation address | RegText |
B000 | Note | RegText |
B001 | Legal form | RegText |
B002 | Publishing authority | |
B003 | Transfer | |
B004 | Branch | |
B005 | Reports | |
B006 | Proclamations | |
B007 | Duration | |
B008 | Legal basis | |
B100 | Rectification | |
H000 | Headquarter | |
H001 | Headquarter line of business | |
H002 | Headquarter company | |
H003 | Headquarter legal form | |
H004 | Headquarter statutes | |
H005 | Headquarter register | |
H006 | Headquarter register number | |
H007 | Headquarter reports | |
H010 | Headquarter capital | |
H020 | Headquarter organisation | |
K000 | Capital | |
K001 | Participation certificates | |
K002 | Shares | |
K003 | Dividend right certificates | |
O000 | Organisation | |
O001 | Supervisory authorithy | |
O002 | Board of directors | |
O003 | Audit | |
O004 | Signing authority | |
P000 | Liability/Obligations | |
P003 | Moyens | |
T000 | Particular facts | |
T001 | Contribution in kind/Asset takeover | |
T010 | Merger | |
T011 | Demerger | |
T012 | Change of Corporate Form | |
T014 | Bankruptcy | |
T025 | Transfer of Assets | |
T100 | Register of charges | |
T300 | Liquidation | |
T400 | Deletion | |
A003 | Postal address | RegText |
A004 | Liquidation address | RegText |
B000 | Note | RegText |
B001 | Legal form | RegText |
B002 | Publishing authority | RegText |
B003 | Transfer | RegText |
B004 | Branch | RegText |
B005 | Reports | RegText |
B006 | Proclamations | RegText |
B007 | Duration | RegText |
B008 | Legal basis | RegText |
B100 | Rectification | RegText |
H000 | Headquarter | RegText |
H001 | Headquarter line of business | RegText |
H002 | Headquarter company | RegText |
H003 | Headquarter legal form | RegText |
H004 | Headquarter statutes | RegText |
H005 | Headquarter register | RegText |
H006 | Headquarter register number | RegText |
H007 | Headquarter reports | RegText |
H010 | Headquarter capital | RegText |
H020 | Headquarter organisation | RegText |
K000 | Capital | RegText |
K001 | Participation certificates | RegText |
K002 | Shares | RegText |
K003 | Dividend right certificates | RegText |
O000 | Organisation | RegText |
O001 | Supervisory authorithy | RegText |
O002 | Board of directors | RegText |
O003 | Audit | RegText |
O004 | Signing authority | RegText |
P000 | Liability/Obligations | RegText |
P003 | Moyens | RegText |
T000 | Particular facts | RegText |
T001 | Contribution in kind/Asset takeover | RegText |
T010 | Merger | RegText |
T011 | Demerger | RegText |
T012 | Change of Corporate Form | RegText |
T014 | Bankruptcy | RegText |
T025 | Transfer of Assets | RegText |
T100 | Register of charges | RegText |
T300 | Liquidation | RegText |
T400 | Deletion | RegText |