This Complex is representative for CompanyFigure and/or GroupFigure. The availability of the Sub-Complexes depending
on the 2 Attributes extent and format:
Complex | Extent=1 | Extent=4 | Extent=6 |
ActualFigure | Yes | Yes | Yes |
AnnualFigure | Yes | Yes | No |
| Yes * | No | No |
| Yes * | No | No |
| Yes * | No | No |
| No | Yes * | No |
| Yes | Yes | No |
| Yes | Yes | No |
Extent 1: Full figures are available, including Profit&Loss, Balance Sheet, Appendix, Employees and Facts
Extent 4: Key figures are available, including Key figures, Employees an Facts
Extent 6: No Annual figures are available, only actual Figures
* Format: The available positions in Profit&Loss, Balance Sheet, Appendix and in Key Figures are different
Element | Occurrence | Description | Example Usage |
@format | min. 1 / max. 1 | Reporting Format. It affects the Elements ProfitLoss, BalanceSheet, Appendix and KeyFigure Restrictions: T = Trade / Industry B = Banks I = Insurance Based on the reporting format, the affected Elements includes different positions | format="T" |
@extent | min. 1 / max. 1 | Reporting Extent. It affects the Elements KeyFigures and AnnualFigures Restrictions: 1 = Element AnnualFigures is available 4 = Element KeyFigures is available 6 = Element AnnualFigures or KeyFigures are NOT available Extent 1: is used for all companies where full financials are available Extent 4: is used for all companies where only key figures are available on an annual basis Extent 6: is used for all companies where only actual figures are available or where estimates can be provided | extent="1" |
GroupName | min. 0 / max. 1 | Name of group company / level of consolidation Restriction: only available in Complex "GroupFigures" | <GroupName>Sample Group Ltd</GroupName> |
PeriodEndYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reporting year of the actual figures | <PeriodEndYear>2014</PeriodEndYear> |
EmployeesRangeCode | min. 0 / max. 1 | Actual number of employees as range (code) This range is based on EmployeesValue, if it is available | <EmployeesRangeCode>CA<EmployeesRangeCode/> |
EmployeesRange | min. 0 / max. 1 | Actual number of employees as range (text) | <EmployeesRange>1,000-1,999</EmployeesRange> |
EmployeesValue | min. 0 / max. 1 | Actual number of employees as value | <EmployeesValue>1566</EmployeesValue> |
SalesRangeCode | min. 0 / max. 1 | Actual sales as range (code) This range is based on Sales, if it is available | <SalesRangeCode>BD</SalesRangeCode> |
SalesRange | min. 0 / max. 1 | Actual sales as range (text) | <SalesRange>400-600 Mio</SalesRange> |
Sales | min. 0 / max. 1 | Actual sales as figure | <Sales/> |
SalesCurrencyCode | min. 0 / max. 1 | Currency for actual sales ISO 4217, alpha 3-code | <SalesCurrencyCode>CHF</SalesCurrencyCode> |
SalesCurrency | min. 0 / max. 1 | Currency for actual sales (text) | <SalesCurrency>Swiss Franc</SalesCurrency> |
Estimated | min. 0 / max. 1 | Estimation flag for Sales Restriction: 1=true, 0=false | <Estimated>0</Estimated> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | Example Usage |
@nr | min. 1 / max. 1 | Record number | nr=1 |
@currency | min. 1 / max. 1 | Currency for annual figures ISO 4217, alpha 3-code | currency="GBP" |
@factor | min. 1 / max. 1 | Used factor for all reported figures / positions Restriction: 1,1000,1000000 | factor="1000" |
PeriodEnd | min. 1 / max. 1 | Reporting period year end date | <PeriodEnd>2014-12-31</PeriodEnd> |
PeriodMonths | min. 1 / max. 1 | Reporting period number of months | <PeriodMonths>12</PeriodMonths> |
AccountStandardCode | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reporting accounting standard (code) | <AccountStandardCode>IAS</AccountStandardCode> |
AccountStandard | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reporting accounting standard (text) | <AccountStandard> International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS</AccountStandard> |
FigureTypeCode | min. 0 / max. 1 | Characteristic of Reporting (code) | <FigureTypeCode>RE</FigureTypeCode> |
FigureType | min. 0 / max. 1 | Characteristic of Reporting (text) | <FigureType>restated</FigureType> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | Pos | Example Usage |
GrossSales | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross Sales | Yes | 242 | <GrossSales>480000000.00</GrossSales> |
ReductionProceeds | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reduction of Proceeds | 244 | <ReductionProceeds>20300000.00</ReductionProceeds> | |
NetSales | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net sales (=242-244) | Yes | 250 | <NetSales>459700000.00</NetSales> |
OthOperRevenue | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other operating Revenue | 246 | <OthOperRevenue>3200000.00</OthOperRevenue> | |
OperatingRevenue | min. 0 / max. 1 | Operating Revenue (=250+246) | Yes | 240 | <OperatingRevenue>462900000.00</OperatingRevenue> |
CostGoodsSold | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cost of goods sold | 260 | <CostGoodsSold>232600000.00</CostGoodsSold> | |
GrossProfit | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross Profit (=240-260) | 270 | <GrossProfit>230300000.00</GrossProfit> | |
OthOperExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other Operating Expenses | 280 | <OthOperExpenses>182700000.00</OthOperExpenses> | |
EBIT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Operating Result / EBIT (=270-280) | Yes | 290 | <EBIT>47600000.00</EBIT> |
InterestRevenues | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest Revenues | 296 | <InterestRevenues>500000.00</InterestRevenues> | |
OthFinanRevenues | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other financials Revenues | 298 | <OthFinanRevenues>0.00</OthFinanRevenues> | |
FinanIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financial Income (=296+298) | 300 | <FinanIncome>500000.00</FinanIncome> | |
InterestExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest Expenses | 430 | <InterestExpenses>3600000.00</InterestExpenses> | |
OthFinanExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other financials Expenses | 308 | <OthFinanExpenses>2900000.00</OthFinanExpenses> | |
FinanExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financials Expenses (=430+308) | 310 | <FinanExpenses>6500000.00</FinanExpenses> | |
FinanResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financial Result (=300-310) | 320 | <FinanResult>-6000000.00</FinanResult> | |
ResultBeforeExtraord | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before extraordinary items (=290+320) | 330 | <ResultBeforeExtraord>41600000.00</ResultBeforeExtraord> | |
ExtraordIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Income | 360 | <ExtraordIncome/> | |
ExtraordExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Expenses | 370 | <ExtraordExpenses/> | |
ExtraordResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Result (=360-370) | 380 | <ExtraordResult>0.00</ExtraordResult> | |
ResultBeforeTaxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before Taxes / EBT (=330+380) | 355 | <ResultBeforeTaxes>41600000.00</ResultBeforeTaxes> | |
Taxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Taxes | 340 | <Taxes>4700000.00</Taxes> | |
ResultBeforeMinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before minority interests (=355-340) | Yes | 390 | <ResultBeforeMinorityInterests>36900000.00</ResultBeforeMinorityInterests> |
MinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Minority interests | 391 | <MinorityInterests>0.00</MinorityInterests> | |
NetResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net Result / Result for the financial year (=390-391) | 392 | <NetResult>36900000.00</NetResult> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | POS | Example usage |
IntangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Intangible fixed assets | 020 | <IntangibleFixedAssets>15000.00</IntangibleFixedAssets> | |
LandBuildings | min. 0 / max. 1 | Land and buildings | 022 | LandBuildings>142700.00</LandBuildings> | |
OthTangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other tangible fixed assets | 024 | OthTangibleFixedAssets>158300.00</OthTangibleFixedAssets> | |
TangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Tangible fixed assets (=022+024) | 030 | <TangibleFixedAssets>301000.00</TangibleFixedAssets> | |
FinanFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financial fixed assets | 035 | <FinanFixedAssets>7000.00</FinanFixedAssets> | |
OthFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other fixed assets | 040 | <OthFixedAssets>57100.00</OthFixedAssets> | |
FixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Fixed Assets / non current assets (=020+030+035+040) | 010 | <FixedAssets>380100.00</FixedAssets> | |
Stocks | min. 0 / max. 1 | Stocks | 060 | <Stocks>594300.00</Stocks> | |
TradeAccReceivables | min. 0 / max. 1 | Trade accounts receivables | 070 | <TradeAccReceivables>110800.00</TradeAccReceivables> | |
LiquidAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquid Assets / Cash and cash equivalents | 090 | <CashAndCashEquivalents>120200.00</CashAndCashEquivalents> | |
Securities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Marketable Securities | 92 | <Securities>26300.00</Securities> | |
OthReceivables | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other Receivables / Other trade accounts | 094 | <OthReceivables>13500.00</OthReceivables> | |
AccruedIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Prepaid expenses and accrued income | 96 | <AccruedIncome>29500.00</AccruedIncome> | |
OthCurrentAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other current assets (=090+092+094+096) | 080 | <OthCurrentAssets>189500.00</OthCurrentAssets> | |
CurrentAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Current Assets (=060+070+080) | 050 | <CurrentAssets>894600.00</CurrentAssets> | |
TotalAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total assets (=010+050) | Yes | 100 | <TotalAssets>1274700.00</TotalAssets> |
Capital | min. 0 / max. 1 | Capital of the organisation | Yes | 120 | <Capital>12500.00</Capital> |
OthShareholdersEquity | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other shareholders Equity / Funds | 130 | <OthShareholdersEquity>1045800.00</OthShareholdersEquity> | |
TotalShareholdersEquity | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total shareholders Equity (=120+130) | Yes | 110 | <TotalShareholdersEquity>1058300.00</TotalShareholdersEquity> |
MinorityInterestsEquity | min. 0 / max. 1 | Minority Interests in equity / Non-controlling interests | 115 | <MinorityInterestsEquity>9100.00</MinorityInterestsEquity> | |
NonCurrentDebt | min. 0 / max. 1 | Non current / long term debt / Borrowings | 150 | <NonCurrentDebt>3800.00</NonCurrentDebt> | |
NonCurrentProvisions | min. 0 / max. 1 | Non current / long term provisions | 155 | <NonCurrentProvisions>4700.00</NonCurrentProvisions> | |
OthNonCurrentLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other non current / long term liabilities | 160 | <OthNonCurrentLiabilities>68000.00</OthNonCurrentLiabilities> | |
NonCurrentLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Non current / long term liabilities (=150+155+160) | 140 | <NonCurrentLiabilities>76500.00</NonCurrentLiabilities> | |
CurrentDebt | min. 0 / max. 1 | Current / short term debt / Borrowings | 180 | <CurrentDebt>3500.00</CurrentDebt> | |
TradeAccPayable | min. 0 / max. 1 | Trade accounts payable / Trade liabilities | 190 | <TradeAccPayable>37100.00</TradeAccPayable> | |
CurrentProvisions | min. 0 / max. 1 | Current / short term provisions | 192 | <CurrentProvisions>8300.00</CurrentProvisions> | |
AccruedExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Deferred income and accrued Expense | 194 | <AccruedExpenses>66100.00</AccruedExpenses> | |
OthAccPayable | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other accounts payable | 196 | <OthAccPayable>15800.00</OthAccPayable> | |
OthCurrentLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other current / short term liabilities (=192+194+196) | 200 | <OthCurrentLiabilities>90200.00</OthCurrentLiabilities> | |
CurrentLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Current / short term liabilities (=180+190+200) | 170 | <CurrentLiabilities>130800.00</CurrentLiabilities> | |
TotalEquityLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total equity and liabilities (=110+115+140+170) | 210 | <TotalEquityLiabilities>1274700.00</TotalEquityLiabilities> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | POS | Example usage |
MaterialCosts | min. 0 / max. 1 | Material Cost | 400 | <MaterialCosts>224000.00</MaterialCosts> | |
EmployeeCosts | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cost of Employees | Yes | 410 | <EmployeeCosts>234300.00</EmployeeCosts> |
Depreciation | min. 0 / max. 1 | Depreciation | Yes | 420 | <Depreciation>35800.00</Depreciation> |
CashFlow | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow (=390+420) | Yes | 440 | <CashFlow>177400.00</CashFlow> |
CashFlowOperAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from operating activities | 441 | <CashFlowOperAct>184800.00</CashFlowOperAct> | |
CashFlowInvestAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from investing activities | 442 | <CashFlowInvestAct>-112200.00</CashFlowInvestAct> | |
CashFlowFinanAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from financing activities | 443 | <CashFlowFinanAct>-45600.00</CashFlowFinanAct> | |
CashFlowOthAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from other activities | 444 | <CashFlowOthAct>2400.00</CashFlowOthAct> | |
LiquidityChanges | min. 0 / max. 1 | Change in Liquidity (=441+442+443+444) | 445 | <LiquidityChanges>29400.00</LiquidityChanges> | |
LiquidityBeginYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquidity at beginning of the year | 446 | <LiquidityBeginYear>90800.00</LiquidityBeginYear> | |
LiquidityEndYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquidity at end of year (=445+446) | 447 | <LiquidityEndYear>120200.00</LiquidityEndYear> | |
Investments | min. 0 / max. 1 | Investments in tangible fixed assets | Yes | 700 | <Investments>104000.00</Investments> |
ResearchDevelopment | min. 0 / max. 1 | Research and Development | Yes | 710 | <ResearchDevelopment>18700.00</ResearchDevelopment> |
OrdersReceived | min. 0 / max. 1 | Orders Received / Orders intake | Yes | 720 | <OrdersReceived>322100.00</OrdersReceived> |
AddedValue | min. 0 / max. 1 | Added value (=340+390+410+420+430) | 450 | <AddedValue>446800.00</AddedValue> | |
WorkingCapital | min. 0 / max. 1 | Working Capital (=060+070-190) | 220 | <WorkingCapital>668000.00</WorkingCapital> | |
NetCurrentAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net current assets (=050-170) | - | <NetCurrentAssets>763800.00</NetCurrentAssets> | |
SalesPerEmployee | min. 0 / max. 1 | Sales per Employee (=250/920,900,910,921 fist available) | Yes | 740 | <SalesPerEmployee>244.50</SalesPerEmployee> |
MarketCapitalization | min. 0 / max. 1 | Market Capitalization = Stock exchange rate at end of year * number of shares | Yes | 790 | <MarketCapitalization/> |
GrossCostLB | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost land & building | 775 | <GrossCostLB>207300.00</GrossCostLB> | |
GrossCostOT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost other tangible fixed assets | 785 | <GrossCostOT>411100.00</GrossCostOT> | |
GrossCostTotal | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost total (=775+785) | 765 | <GrossCostTotal>618400.00</GrossCostTotal> | |
InsuranceValueLB | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value land and buildings | 770 | <InsuranceValueLB/> | |
InsuranceValueOT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value other tangible fixed assets | 780 | <InsuranceValueOT/> | |
InsuranceValueTotal | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value total (=770+780) | 760 | <InsuranceValueTotal>666700.00</InsuranceValueTotal> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | Pos | Example Usage |
InterestInc | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest and discount income | 300 | <InterestInc>819854.00</InterestInc> | |
InterestIncTradPort | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest and dividend income from trading portfolios | 310 | <InterestIncTradPort/> | |
InterestIncFinanAss | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest and dividend income from financial assets | 320 | <InterestIncFinanAss>39453.00</InterestIncFinanAss> | |
InterestExp | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest expenses | 330 | <InterestExp>401012.00</InterestExp> | |
IncInterestBusiness | min. 0 / max. 1 | Income from interest business (=300+310+320-330) | Yes | 340 | <IncInterestBusiness>458025.00</IncInterestBusiness> |
CommIncLendingAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Commissions income from lending activities | 350 | <CommIncLendingAct>4617.00</CommIncLendingAct> | |
CommIncSecurInvest | min. 0 / max. 1 | Commissions income from securities and investment transactions | 360 | <CommIncSecurInvest>58171.00</CommIncSecurInvest> | |
CommIncOther | min. 0 / max. 1 | Commissions income from other services | 370 | <CommIncOther>26448.00</CommIncOther> | |
CommExp | min. 0 / max. 1 | Commissions expenses | 380 | <CommExp>16648.00</CommExp> | |
NetCommFeeInc | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net Commissions and fee income (=350+360+370-380) | Yes | 390 | <NetCommFeeInc>72588.00</NetCommFeeInc> |
NetTradingInc | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net trading income | Yes | 400 | <NetTradingInc>38099.00</NetTradingInc> |
IncSaleFinanInvest | min. 0 / max. 1 | Income from the sale of financial investments | 410 | <IncSaleFinanInvest>0.00</IncSaleFinanInvest> | |
IncIFromInvest | min. 0 / max. 1 | Income from Investments | 420 | <IncIFromInvest>1541.00</IncIFromInvest> | |
RealEstateInc | min. 0 / max. 1 | Real estate income | 430 | <RealEstateInc>2922.00</RealEstateInc> | |
OthOrdinaryInc | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other ordinary income | 440 | <OthOrdinaryInc>0.00</OthOrdinaryInc> | |
OthOrdinaryExp | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other ordinary expenses | 450 | <OthOrdinaryExp>812.00</OthOrdinaryExp> | |
TotalOthOrdinaryInc | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total other ordinary Income (=410+420+430+440-450) | 460 | <TotalOthOrdinaryInc>3651.00</TotalOthOrdinaryInc> | |
NetOperInc | min. 0 / max. 1 | Net operating Income (=340+390+400+460) | Yes | 470 | <NetOperInc>572363.00</NetOperInc> |
PersonnelExp | min. 0 / max. 1 | Personnel expenses | Yes | 480 | <PersonnelExp>169471.00</PersonnelExp> |
GeneralExp | min. 0 / max. 1 | General expenses | 490 | <GeneralExp>000.00</GeneralExp> | |
TotalOperExp | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total operating expenditure (=480+490) | Yes | 500 | <TotalOperExp>318260.00</TotalOperExp> |
GrossProfit | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross profit (=470-500) | Yes | 510 | <GrossProfit>254103.00</GrossProfit> |
Depreciation | min. 0 / max. 1 | Depreciation on fixed assets | 520 | <Depreciation>21242.00</Depreciation> | |
ValueAdjProvLoss | min. 0 / max. 1 | Value adjustments, provisions and losses | 530 | <ValueAdjProvLoss>8119.00</ValueAdjProvLoss> | |
TotalDeprValueAdjLoss | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total Depreciation, Value adjustments, losses (=520+530) | 540 | <TotalDeprValueAdjLoss>29361.00</TotalDeprValueAdjLoss> | |
ResultBeforeExtraord | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before extraordinary items (=510-540) | 550 | <ResultBeforeExtraord>224742.00</ResultBeforeExtraord> | |
ExtraordIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary income | 560 | <ExtraordIncome>151.00</ExtraordIncome> | |
ExtraordExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary expenses | 570 | <ExtraordExpenses>32814.00<ExtraordExpenses/> | |
ExtraordResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Result (=560-570) | 580 | <ExtraordResult>-32663.00</ExtraordResult> | |
ResultBeforeTaxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before Taxes (=550+580) | 590 | <ResultBeforeTaxes>192079.00</ResultBeforeTaxes> | |
Taxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Taxes | 600 | <Taxes>53676.00</Taxes> | |
ResultBeforeMinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before minority interests (=590-600) | 610 | <ResultBeforeMinorityInterests>138403.00</ResultBeforeMinorityInterests> | |
MinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Minority interests | 620 | <MinorityInterests/> | |
NetResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result for the financial year (=610-620) | Yes | 630 | <NetResult>138403.00</NetResult> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | POS | Example usage |
LiquidAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquid assets | 010 | <LiquidAssets>1865044.00</LiquidAssets> | |
MoneyMarketClaims | min. 0 / max. 1 | Money market claims | 020 | <MoneyMarketClaims>294.00</MoneyMarketClaims> | |
DueFromBanks | min. 0 / max. 1 | Due from banks | 030 | <DueFromBanks>486873.00</DueFromBanks> | |
DueFromCustomers | min. 0 / max. 1 | Due from customers | 040 | <DueFromCustomers>1525379.00</DueFromCustomers> | |
Mortgages | min. 0 / max. 1 | Mortgages | 050 | <Mortgages>17541875.00</Mortgages> | |
TradingAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Trading assets | 060 | <TradingAssets>90319.00</TradingAssets> | |
FinancialInvestments | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financial investments | 070 | <FinancialInvestments>1151203.00</FinancialInvestments> | |
NonConsParticipations | min. 0 / max. 1 | Non-consolidated participations | 080 | <NonConsParticipations>13396.00</NonConsParticipations> | |
LandBuildings | min. 0 / max. 1 | Land and buildings | 082 | <LandBuildings>62491.00</LandBuildings> | |
OthTangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | other tangible fixed assets | 084 | <OthTangibleFixedAssets>11340.00</OthTangibleFixedAssets> | |
TangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Tangible fixed assets (=82+84) | 090 | <TangibleFixedAssets>73831.00</TangibleFixedAssets> | |
IntangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Intangible fixed assets | 100 | <IntangibleFixedAssets/> | |
AccrualsAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Accruals | 110 | <AccrualsAssets>14365.00</AccrualsAssets> | |
OthAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other assets | 120 | <OthAssets>170296.00</OthAssets> | |
TotalAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total assets (=010..120, excluding 082+084) | Yes | 130 | <TotalAssets>22932875.00</TotalAssets> |
TotalSubordClaims | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total subordinated claims | 131 | <TotalSubordClaims>12642.00</TotalSubordClaims> | |
TotalClaimsAgainstGroup | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total claims against Group companies and qualified shareholders | 132 | <TotalClaimsAgainstGroup>0.00</TotalClaimsAgainstGroup> | |
ReservesGenBankingRisks | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reserves for general banking risks | 140 | <ReservesGenBankingRisks>1136161.00</ReservesGenBankingRisks> | |
Capital | min. 0 / max. 1 | Capital | Yes | 150 | <Capital>200000.00</Capital> |
ReserveCapital | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reserve capital | 160 | <ReserveCapital>516581.00</ReserveCapital> | |
RetainedEarnings | min. 0 / max. 1 | Retained earnings | 170 | <RetainedEarnings>105469.00</RetainedEarnings> | |
TotalShareholdersEquity | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total shareholders equity (=140+150+160+170) | Yes | 180 | <TotalShareholdersEquity>1958211.00</TotalShareholdersEquity> |
MinorityInterestsEquity | min. 0 / max. 1 | Minority interests | 190 | <MinorityInterestsEquity/> | |
LiabilitiesMoneyMarketPaper | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liabilities in respect of money market paper | 200 | <LiabilitiesMoneyMarketPaper>348.00</LiabilitiesMoneyMarketPaper> | |
DueToBanks | min. 0 / max. 1 | Due to banks | 210 | <DueToBanks>2651046.00</DueToBanks> | |
DueToCustomersSavInvest | min. 0 / max. 1 | Due to customers in savings and investments accounts | 220 | <DueToCustomersSavInvest>9894741.00</DueToCustomersSavInvest> | |
DueToCustomersOth | min. 0 / max. 1 | Due to customers, others | 230 | <DueToCustomersOth>5446268.00</DueToCustomersOth> | |
CashBonds | min. 0 / max. 1 | Medium-term notes (cash bonds) | 240 | <CashBonds>117281.00</CashBonds> | |
BondsAndMortgage | min. 0 / max. 1 | Bonds and mortgage backed bonds | 250 | <BondsAndMortgage>2328000.00</BondsAndMortgage> | |
AccrualsLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Accruals | 260 | <AccrualsLiabilities>112324.00</AccrualsLiabilities> | |
OthLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other liabilities | 270 | <OthLiabilities>424656.00</OthLiabilities> | |
TotalLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total liabilities (=200...270) | 280 | <TotalLiabilities>20974664.00</TotalLiabilities> | |
TotalEquityLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liabilities, minority interests and shareholders equity (=180+190+280) | 290 | <TotalEquityLiabilities>22932875.00</TotalEquityLiabilities> | |
TotalSubordLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total subordinated liabilities | 291 | <TotalSubordLiabilities>0.00</TotalSubordLiabilities> | |
TotalLiabilitiesGroup | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total liabilities in respect of Group companies and qualified investments | 292 | <TotalLiabilitiesGroup>0.00</TotalLiabilitiesGroup> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | POS | Example usage |
Depreciation | min. 0 / max. 1 | Depreciation | 640 | <Depreciation>11810.00</Depreciation> | |
CashFlowOperAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from operating activities | 650 | <CashFlowOperAct>101239.00</CashFlowOperAct> | |
Investments | min. 0 / max. 1 | Investments in tangible fixed assets | 655 | <Investments>649.00</Investments> | |
CashFlowInvestAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from investing activities | 660 | <CashFlowInvestAct>-7715.00</CashFlowInvestAct> | |
CashFlowFinanAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from financing activities | 670 | <CashFlowFinanAct>83159.00</CashFlowFinanAct> | |
CashFlowOthAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Others | 680 | <CashFlowOthAct/> | |
LiquidityChanges | min. 0 / max. 1 | Change in liquidity (=650+660+670+680) | 682 | <LiquidityChanges>176683.00</LiquidityChanges> | |
LiquidityBeginYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquidity at beginning of the year | 684 | <LiquidityBeginYear/> | |
LiquidityEndYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquidity at end of the year (=682+684) | 686 | <LiquidityEndYear/> | |
ContingentLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Contingent liabilities | 690 | <ContingentLiabilities>186561.00</ContingentLiabilities> | |
IrrevocableCommitments | min. 0 / max. 1 | Irrevocable commitments | 695 | <IrrevocableCommitments>753905.00</IrrevocableCommitments> | |
LiabilitiesCallsShares | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liabilities for calls on shares and other equity | 700 | <LiabilitiesCallsShares>30566.00</LiabilitiesCallsShares> | |
ConfirmedCredits | min. 0 / max. 1 | Confirmed credits | 710 | <ConfirmedCredits/> | |
DerivativeContractVolume | min. 0 / max. 1 | Derivative contract volume | 720 | <DerivativeContractVolume>6983883.00</DerivativeContractVolume> | |
PosReplacementValues | min. 0 / max. 1 | positive replacement values | 730 | <PosReplacementValues>121818.00</PosReplacementValues> | |
NegReplacementValues | min. 0 / max. 1 | negative replacement values | 740 | <NegReplacementValues>217163.00</NegReplacementValues> | |
FiduciaryTransactions | min. 0 / max. 1 | Fiduciary transactions | 750 | <FiduciaryTransactions>49.00</FiduciaryTransactions> | |
MarketCapitalization | min. 0 / max. 1 | Market capitalization | 790 | <MarketCapitalization/> | |
GrossCostLB | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost land and buildings | 775 | <GrossCostLB>242362.00</GrossCostLB> | |
GrossCostOT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost other tangible fixed assets | 785 | <GrossCostOT>72787.00</GrossCostOT> | |
GrossCostTotal | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost total (=775+785) | 765 | <GrossCostTotal>315149.00</GrossCostTotal> | |
InsuranceValueLB | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value land and buildings | 770 | <InsuranceValueLB>244564.00</InsuranceValueLB> | |
InsuranceValueOT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value other tangible fixed assets | 780 | <InsuranceValueOT>23760.00</InsuranceValueOT> | |
InsuranceValueTotal | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value total (=770+780) | 760 | <InsuranceValueTotal>268324.00</InsuranceValueTotal> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | POS | Example Usage |
PremiumsWritten | min. 0 / max. 1 | Premiums written | Yes | 250 | <PremiumsWritten>7168.10</PremiumsWritten> |
PurchReinsPremiums | min. 0 / max. 1 | Purchased reinsurance premiums | 260 | <PurchReinsPremiums>163.60</PurchReinsPremiums> | |
ChangeProvUnearnPremiums | min. 0 / max. 1 | Change in the provisions for unearned premiums | 270 | <ChangeProvUnearnPremiums/> | |
EarnedPremiums | min. 0 / max. 1 | Earned premiums (=250-260-270) | Yes | 280 | <EarnedPremiums>7004.50</EarnedPremiums> |
OthTechnicalIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other technical income | 290 | <OthTechnicalIncome/> | |
ClaimsPaid | min. 0 / max. 1 | Claims paid | 300 | <ClaimsPaid>5666.40</ClaimsPaid> | |
ChangeProvClaimsOut | min. 0 / max. 1 | Change in the provisions for claims outstanding | 310 | <ChangeProvClaimsOut>1469.50</ChangeProvClaimsOut> | |
ClaimsIncurred | min. 0 / max. 1 | Claims incurred (=300+310) | 320 | <ClaimsIncurred>7135.90</ClaimsIncurred> | |
ChangeOthTechProv | min. 0 / max. 1 | Change in other technical provisions | 330 | <ChangeOthTechProv/> | |
ChangeProvLifeHealth | min. 0 / max. 1 | Change in the provisions for life, health and disability reinsurance | 340 | <ChangeProvLifeHealth/> | |
PolicyholdParticipationSurplus | min. 0 / max. 1 | Policyholders participation in surplus | 350 | <PolicyholdParticipationSurplus/> | |
PersonnelExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Personnel expenses | Yes | 360 | <PersonnelExpenses/> |
Commissions | min. 0 / max. 1 | Commissions | 370 | <Commissions/> | |
OthOperatingExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other operating expenses | 380 | <OthOperatingExpenses>1436.10</OthOperatingExpenses> | |
OperatingExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Operating expenses (=360+370+380) | 390 | <OperatingExpenses>1436.10</OperatingExpenses> | |
OthTechExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other technical expenses | 400 | <OthTechExpenses/> | |
InvestmentIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Investment income | Yes | 410 | <InvestmentIncome>3072.50</InvestmentIncome> |
InvestmentExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Investment expenses | 420 | <InvestmentExpenses>615.60</InvestmentExpenses> | |
InterestExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Interest expenses | 430 | <InterestExpenses/> | |
OtherIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other income | 440 | <OtherIncome>442.50</OtherIncome> | |
OtherExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other expenses | 450 | <OtherExpenses>446.80</OtherExpenses> | |
ResultBeforeExtraord | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before extraordinary items ( =280+290+330+ 340+410+440-320-350-390-400-420-450) | Yes | 460 | <ResultBeforeExtraord>885.10</ResultBeforeExtraord> |
ExtraordIncome | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary income | 470 | <ExtraordIncome/> | |
ExtraordExpenses | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary expenses | 480 | <ExtraordExpenses/> | |
ExtraordResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Extraordinary Result (=470-480) | 490 | <ExtraordResult/> | |
ResultBeforeTaxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before Taxes (=460+490) | 500 | <ResultBeforeTaxes>885.10</ResultBeforeTaxes> | |
Taxes | min. 0 / max. 1 | Taxes | 510 | <Taxes>173.20</Taxes> | |
ResultBeforeMinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result before minority interests (=500-510) | 520 | ResultBeforeMinorityInterests>711.90</ResultBeforeMinorityInterests> | |
MinorityInterests | min. 0 / max. 1 | Minority interests | 530 | <MinorityInterests>1.30</MinorityInterests> | |
NetResult | min. 0 / max. 1 | Result for the financial year (=520-530) | Yes | 540 | <NetResult>710.60</NetResult> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | POS | Example Usage |
Investments | min. 0 / max. 1 | Investments | 10 | <Investments>54103.60</Investments> | |
InvestmentsContracts | min. 0 / max. 1 | Investments for unit-linked contracts | 20 | <InvestmentsContracts/> | |
IntangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Intangible fixed assets | 30 | <IntangibleFixedAssets>909.20</IntangibleFixedAssets> | |
LandBuildings | min. 0 / max. 1 | Land and buildings | 32 | <LandBuildings/> | |
OthTangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | other tangible fixed assets | 34 | <OthTangibleFixedAssets>379.20</OthTangibleFixedAssets> | |
TangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Tangible fixed assets (=032+034) | 40 | <TangibleFixedAssets>379.20</TangibleFixedAssets> | |
FixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Fixed assets (=010+020+030+040) | 50 | <FixedAssets>55392.00</FixedAssets> | |
Debtors | min. 0 / max. 1 | Debtors | 60 | <Debtors>509.80</Debtors> | |
LiquidAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquid assets | 70 | <LiquidAssets>2969.60</LiquidAssets> | |
AccrualsAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Accruals | 80 | <AccrualsAssets>20470.90</AccrualsAssets> | |
CurrentAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Current assets (=060+070+080) | 90 | <CurrentAssets>23950.30</CurrentAssets> | |
TotalAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total assets (=50+90) | Yes | 100 | <TotalAssets>79342.30</TotalAssets> |
Capital | min. 0 / max. 1 | Capital | Yes | 110 | <Capital>5.00</Capital> |
ReserveCapital | min. 0 / max. 1 | Reserve Capital | 120 | <ReserveCapital/> | |
RevaluationReserves | min. 0 / max. 1 | Revaluation reserves | 130 | <RevaluationReserves/> | |
OthReserves | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other reserves | 140 | <OthReserves>5786.30</OthReserves> | |
TotalShareholdersEquity | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total shareholders equity (=110+120+130+140) | Yes | 150 | <TotalShareholdersEquity>5791.30</TotalShareholdersEquity> |
MinorityInterestsEquity | min. 0 / max. 1 | Minority interests | 160 | <MinorityInterestsEquity>39.70</MinorityInterestsEquity> | |
TechnicalProvisions | min. 0 / max. 1 | Technical provisions | Yes | 170 | <TechnicalProvisions>48738.90</TechnicalProvisions> |
FinancialProvisions | min. 0 / max. 1 | Financial provisions | 180 | <FinancialProvisions>19443.20</FinancialProvisions> | |
DepositsRetained | min. 0 / max. 1 | Deposits retained from ceded reinsurance business | 190 | <DepositsRetained/> | |
DebentureLoans | min. 0 / max. 1 | Debenture Loans | 200 | <DebentureLoans/> | |
OthLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Other liabilities | 210 | <OthLiabilities>5329.20</OthLiabilities> | |
AccrualsLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Accruals | 220 | <AccrualsLiabilities/> | |
TotalLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Total liabilities (=170..220) | 230 | <TotalLiabilities>73511.30</TotalLiabilities> | |
TotalEquityLiabilities | min. 0 / max. 1 | Shareholders equity, minority interests and liabilities (=150+160+230) | 240 | <TotalEquityLiabilities>79342.30</TotalEquityLiabilities> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | KeyFig | POS | Example Usage |
Depreciation | min. 0 / max. 1 | Depreciation | Yes | 640 | <Depreciation/> |
CashFlowOperAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from operating activities | 650 | <CashFlowOperAct>73.60</CashFlowOperAct> | |
InvestmentsTangibleFixedAssets | min. 0 / max. 1 | Investments in tangible fixed assets | Yes | 655 | <InvestmentsTangibleFixedAssets/> |
CashFlowInvestAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from investing activities | 660 | <CashFlowInvestAct>213.00</CashFlowInvestAct> | |
CashFlowFinanAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Cash flow from financing activities | 670 | <CashFlowFinanAct>-258.60</CashFlowFinanAct> | |
CashFlowOthAct | min. 0 / max. 1 | Others | 680 | <CashFlowOthAct>-19.20</CashFlowOthAct> | |
LiquidityChanges | min. 0 / max. 1 | Change in liquidity (=650+660+670+680) | 682 | <LiquidityChanges>8.80</LiquidityChanges> | |
LiquidityBeginYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquidity at beginning of the year | 684 | <LiquidityBeginYear>2960.80</LiquidityBeginYear> | |
LiquidityEndYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Liquidity at end of the year (=682+684) | 686 | LiquidityEndYear>2969.60</LiquidityEndYear> | |
MarketCapitalization | min. 0 / max. 1 | Market capitalization | Yes | 790 | <MarketCapitalization/> |
GrossCostLB | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost land and buildings | 775 | <GrossCostLB/> | |
GrossCostOT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost other tangible fixed assets | 785 | <GrossCostOT/> | |
GrossCostTotal | min. 0 / max. 1 | Gross cost total (=775+785) | 765 | <GrossCostTotal/> | |
InsuranceValueLB | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value land and buildings | 770 | <InsuranceValueLB/> | |
InsuranceValueOT | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value other tangible fixed assets | 780 | <InsuranceValueOT/ | |
InsuranceValueTotal | min. 0 / max. 1 | Insurance value total (=770+780) | 760 | <InsuranceValueTotal/> |
The available Key Figures per format (Trade/Industry, Bank, Insurance) are noted in the Complexe ProfitLoss, BalanceSheet and Appendix in columne "KeyFig"
Element | Occurrence | Description | Pos | Example Usage |
HeadcountEndYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Headcount end of year - or exact definition unknown | 900 | <HeadcountEndYear/> |
HeadcountAverage | min. 0 / max. 1 | Headcount annual average | 910 | <HeadcountAverage/> |
FulltimeEndYear | min. 0 / max. 1 | Full time units at year end | 920 | <FulltimeEndYear>1586.0</FulltimeEndYear> |
FulltimeAverage | min. 0 / max. 1 | Full time units annual average | 921 | <FulltimeAverage/> |
EmployeesInland | min. 0 / max. 1 | Employees Inland | 930 | <EmployeesInland>113.0</EmployeesInland> |
EmployeesAbroad | min. 0 / max. 1 | Employees Abroad (=(900,910,920,921 first available) - 930)) | 940 | <EmployeesAbroad>1473.0</EmployeesAbroad> |
Element | Occurrence | Description | Pos | Example Usage |
OfficesInland | min. 0 / max. 1 | No of Offices/Branches Inland | 960 | <OfficesInland>35</OfficesInland> |
OfficesAbroad | min. 0 / max. 1 | No of Offices/Branches Abroad | 970 | <OfficesAbroad>12</OfficesAbroad> |
OfficesTotal | min. 0 / max. 1 | No of Offices/Branches Total (=960+970) | 950 | <OfficesTotal>47</OfficesTotal> |