

ElementOccurrenceDescriptionExample Usage
WINmin.0 max.1Worldbox Identification Number
RegIdmin.0 max.1Company register number/Id
StartDatemin.0 max.1Date of registration / activation
EndDatemin.0 max.1Date of cancellation / deactivation
Namemin.0 max.1Name of the headquarter
<Name>China Southern Airlines maintenance Ltd.</Name>
Line1-3min.0 max.1Address lines including, c/o, House/Building, Street, PoBox etc.
<Line1>Shenyang Taoxian International Airport</Line1>
<Line2>Taoxian Town</Line2>
<Line3>Dongling District</Line3>
ZIPmin.0 max.1Address ZIP code (Zone Improvement Plan)
Citymin.0 max.1Address City
<City>Shenyang City</City>
Countymin.0 max.1

Address County. It is the next greater geographical classification in a country,

like counties, regions, states etc. In some cases, alpha 2 or 3 codes are used

CountryCodemin.1 max.1

Country ISO 3166, alpha 2-code


Countrymin.1 max.1Country description

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