Element | Occurrence | Description | Example Usage |
@NrOfBranches | min.0 max.1 | Number of Branches | NrOfBranches="12" |
Element | Occurrence | Description | Example Usage |
@nr | min.1 max.1 | Record number | nr="1" |
@status | min.1 max.1 | 1=active, 0=inactive | status="0" |
WIN | min.0 max.1 | Worldbox Identification Number | <WIN>CN0007719951</WIN> |
RegId | min.0 max.1 | Company register number/Id | <RegId>0900397436473</RegId> |
StartDate | min.0 max.1 | Date of registration / activation | <StartDate>1967-06-14</StartDate> |
EndDate | min.0 max.1 | Date of cancellation / deactivation | <EndDate>2014-12-30 </EndDate> |
BranchCode | min.1 max.1 | Characteristic of the branch location (code) | <BranchCode>NL</BranchCode> |
BranchType | min.1 max.1 | Characteristic of the branch (text) | <BranchType>Branch office</BranchType> |
Name | min.0 max.1 | Name of the branch | <Name> 中国南方航空股份有限公司沈阳维修基地 China Southern Airlines maintenance base </Name> |
Line1-3 | min.0 max.1 | Address lines including, c/o, House/Building, Street, PoBox etc. | <Line1>Shenyang Taoxian International Airport</Line1> <Line2>Taoxian Town</Line2> <Line3>Dongling District</Line3> |
ZIP | min.0 max.1 | Address ZIP code (Zone Improvement Plan) | <ZIP>110043</ZIP> |
City | min.0 max.1 | Address City | <City>Shenyang City</City> |
County | min.0 max.1 | Address County. It is the next greater geographical classification in a country, like counties, regions, states etc. In some cases, alpha 2 or 3 codes are used | <County/> |
CountryCode | min.1 max.1 | Country ISO 3166, alpha 2-code | <CountryCode>CN</CountryCode> |
Country | min.1 max.1 | Country description | <Country>China</Country> |